100 Good Wishes - One Squish at a Time!

To welcome and celebrate a new life, there is a tradition in the northern part of China to make a Bai Jia Bei, or 100 Good Wishes Quilt. It is a custom to invite friends and family to contribute a patch of cloth with a wish for the baby. Part of the patch of cloth goes into the quilt for the baby, and the other part of the cloth can go into a creative memory notebook with the wish for the child. The quilt contains the luck, energy, and good wishes from all the families and friends who contribute a piece of fabric.

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's DONE!!!

While we were in China, my mom stayed at our house and watched our dogs for us. She also found time to finish Lia's 100 Wishes Quilt! This was my mom's first quilting project, and I think she did an amazing job. GO MOM! Now it is my job to make the accompanying scrapbook with all the correlating "wishes", but I think I have some time...it will be a few years before Lia understands all this anyway...but I am excited for the day I get to show it all to her. Thanks again to everyone who submitted Squares/Wishes a.k.a "squishes" for the project - it turned out awesome!

My mom - holding up the finished product!

The quilt - in it's entirety...so cool! THANKS MOM!!!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Squish #138

The Future belongs to those who
believe in the beauty of their dreams.
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Peggy Barlow & Beth Flug
Oklahoma City, OK

Squish #137

Dearest Lia,

Welcome to the family. We cannot tell you how happy we are that you are with us at last. Your cousins from California wish you every happiness. May God bless you and keep you in his care. We pray for a healthy, happy life for you and may all your dreams come true.


Bette & Reynold Marin
(your mommy's godparents!)
Walnut Creek, CA

Squish #136

Quote by Kahlil Gilbran...

Much love,

Ronda Riley
Colorado Springs, CO

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Squish #135

Dearest Lia,

We are looking forward to the beautiful new blossom in our family tree.


Your Great Grandma Harriet
Your Angel Great Grandpa Irwin

Squish #134

Dear Lia,

I chose this fabric for your quilt because it is covered with my favorite flowers fuchsias. When I was a little girl there was a path in our backyard that had fuchsia bushes growing on either side. When I was your age I would walk along this path and the fuchsias were way taller than me. I imagined I was in a special hidden garden all my own.

Just before a fuchsia flower opens - it is a little closed pod that looks like it is about to burst. I know we are not supposed to get in the way of nature and rush a flower to bloom, but I found that those fuchsia pods were so tempting and fun to pop open. My wish for you is that you will appreciate those magical moments in a garden when you see a flower you've never seen before and it reminds you how every single living thing on earth (especially YOU) is unique and profoundly special.

Lia, I can't wait to walk through a fuchsia garden with you and have you help me pick out the BIGGEST PLUMPEST bloom to POP.

Your Great Aunt Kathy

Squish #133

Dear Lia,

I wish for you a safe journey to our family, a childhood full of smiles and fun, and an open heart to try new adventures.

You will always be dear to us!

With Love,

Your (mom's) cousin,